Delta Sigma Pi
Sigma Psi Chapter at Lindenwood University
Our History at Lindenwood
We were installed on May 3rd, 2014 with just 18 members. We have since initiated over 100 students of commerce in just a couple of years. Our charter is located just outside Dunseth Auditorium. We have hosted some wonderful events including Tie Dye shirts, Dunseth Game Night, Men's Wearhouse Dress for Success, and our campus-wide, annual Operation Christmas Child donation. We are forever thankful for the hard work and dedication that our Chapter Advisor, Kimberly Ulrich, provides.
For more information on our chapter details: https://www.deltasigmapi.org/chapter-locator/chapterfulldetails/?cid=533
To learn more about our National Fraternal History, visit: https://www.deltasigmapi.org/about/our-story
View a picture below from our Sigma Psi Chapter Installation.