Delta Sigma Pi
Sigma Psi Chapter at Lindenwood University
2024: CMP Recognition Level (Accredited Chapter), South Central Province Outstanding Alumni Relations
2022: Regional COY and Provincial COY
2020: Gateway Region Collegian of the Year (Brother Johnson), CMP Recognition (Chapter of Excellence)
2019: National Collegian of the Year (Brother Wilhelm), South Central Provincial Collegian of the Year (Brother Wilhelm), Gateway Regional Collegian of the Year (Brother Wilhelm), CMP Recognition (Accredited Chapter), Lindenwood Awards: Unsung Hero (Brother Block), Lindenwood Awards: Outstanding Academic Organization, Lindenwood Awards: Organization Advisor of the Year (Brother Ulrich)
2018: South Central Provincial Collegian of the Year (Brother Wilhelm), Gateway Regional Collegian of the Year (Brother Wilhelm)
2017: CMP Recognition (Accredited Chapter), Lindenwood Most Service Hours in an Organization with 15-29 Members, Lindenwood Outstanding Service Project - Operation Christmas Child
2016: Gateway Regional Collegian of the Year (Brother Peth)
2014: Bucks for Brothers Legacy Chapter