Delta Sigma Pi
Sigma Psi Chapter at Lindenwood University
What will I get out of joining?
You will get a unique opportunity to network with business professionals, you will grow into a professional that will set you apart from your competition, you will gain valuable experience, and you will also gain many friendships.
What will this cost me?
We pay both national and chapter dues which equal a cost of $100 per semester that you're a Brother. National dues help cover the cost to bring in top-notch speakers, publish our national magazine, pay for members to have insurance, and much more. Chapter dues help cover the chapter to buy recruitment material, shirts, and pay for activities. A pledge fee of $150 covers your pledge manual, a fee for the upkeep of pledge pins, and to cover the cost of your membership badge.
Can you explain more about the pledge process?
The Sigma Psi pledge process usually spans about 6 weeks starting directly after the Pledge Ceremony. During these six weeks, the VP of Pledge Education will give you information about the Fraternity as a whole and pledges will need to complete weekly quizzes. At the end, each pledge will take a final. A Big Brother is assigned to you in order to help you with the entire process.
What if I am a member of another Greek organization?
You can be a member of both a social fraternity/sorority and a professional fraternity. However, you cannot be both a member of Delta Sigma Pi as well as another business organization under the Professional Fraternity Council.
What leadership roles are offered?
At the Chapter Level the Executive Committee is composed of the President, Senior Vice President, VP of Finance, VP of Pledge Education, VP of Chapter Operations, Chancellor, VP of Professional Activities, VP of Community Service, VP of Scholarship and Awards, and VP of Alumni and Chapter Relations. We also have other positions offered: Webmaster, Wellness Chair, and Social Chair.